Nga Tumanako o

nga Manu

Start dates:

20th February 2025

Kirikiriroa Marae

Nga Tumanako o nga Manu are a dedicated team of educators, social, and health care workers deeply rooted in Te Ao Māori based on local marae, driven by a shared passion for the well-being of our local youth. We recognize the pressing need to address the disconnection many Rangatahi face from their cultural identity and the lack of prospects in their lives. Together, we have put together a programme specifically for Rangatahi that will inspire, heal and teach our youth the skills they need to build resilience, confidence, plan for their future and create healthy lifestyle habits..

What we do:

Nga Tumanako o nga Manu support up to 20 Rangatahi per school term. Each roopu are supported by two experienced Pou Ako (Educators) who guide Rangatahi through an in-depth journey of self discovery, knowledge, healing and empowerment. Rangatahi will attend and participate in Iwi events such as Poukai and support projects that benefit and enhance local Marae. Rangatahi with the support of Pou ako will create their own health and well-being goals and plans ensuring they start their transition into adulthood with confidence and are empowered. Each term is around 8-9 weeks long and Rangatahi leave our programme with a strong connection to te ao Maori, wrap around support, community connections and a plan for their future.

Whaowhia te kete matauranga - Fill the basket of knowledge

Nga Tumanako o nga Manu

Toku Ao - Self

Toku Waikatotanga - Community

Toku Ao Maori - Worldview

Toku Ao

Self determining, confident, living a healthy and empowered lifetyle. Culturally connected. Rangatahi will gain the necessary skills to thrive as they transition into adulthood with their voice led, individualized plans

Toku Waikatotanga

Engaging and participating in kaupapa within Waikato, immersing Rangatahi in the rich cultural tapestry of Waikato and connecting them to local marae, tertiary institutions and employment opportunities available to them

Toku Tirohanga Maori

Rangatahi will be immersed in the vibrancy of Te Ao Maori, learn karakia, waiata, Te Reo me ona tikanga and Purakau. Rangatahi will learn about the history often left out of school books. They will visit sites of significance to appreciate the survival of our culture.

The gains for Rangatahi

  • Penapena Putea (Financial literacy):

    Understanding how to manage money by supporting, budgeting, saving and investing are crucial for financial independence. By working closely with a Whanau Ora Navigator, Rangatahi will not only gain the practical skills needed for employment but also receive ongoing support and mentorship.

  • Nga Karewai a roto (Emotional Intelligence)

    Rangatahi will gain the ability to understand and manage their emotions, cope with stress, and build healthy relationships. These skills will not only enhance their personal development but also empower them to create a positive impact within their communities.

  • Te Ara o Tawhaki (Cultural Competency)

    Kaupapa within the hapū and marae will engage Rangatahi in community-driven initiatives and activities that reflect traditional Māori practices and values. By actively participating in these initiatives, they will learn the importance of tikanga (customs) and the role these customs play in maintaining cultural integrity and social harmony.

  • Nga Raru ki uta (Life Skills)

    Rangatahi will engage in activities that enhance their problem-solving abilities. They will participate in wānanga (learning sessions) and hui (gatherings) that emphasize collaborative learning and collective decision-making.

Connect with Nga Tumanako o nga Manu

We are thrilled to connect with you! Fill out the details below and our team will get in touch shortly. We are eagerly looking forward to hearing from you and discussing how we can support whanau/ Rangatahi on their journey to health and wellbeing.